The Strong Title of this Blog actually probe our mere 'Existence & Actions' in true sense which may not appeal to many of us however this is Reality & Bitter truth of life.
What is this Ironical Spectrum ?
An ambitious yet ambiguous web / nexus in which Human Mankind is entangled !
On one side it's so heartening to witness India's 'Chandrayan 3' spacecraft soft landing on lunar surface of moon some time back which is truly commendable & my heartfelt appreciation once again to our 'Proud ISRO' team for achieving this amazing, historical Milestone.
We have already taken another leap & all set to launch 'Gaganyaan' with more powerful payloads which will soon be another feather in the cap of India's Pride & Glory..
NASA is actively involved in 'Human life Exploration' on Mars & other planets . Offlate Russia did attempt to land on the South Pole of Moon however unfortunately failed to touch the lunar surface !
On the Other Side we unfortunately witness Countries entering in 'Unprecedented War' for fulfilling some latent ambition / objectives which is so disastrous . This side is extremely precarious & grim. My heart goes out for all the innocent people who become victims & undergo such deep agony , suffering & trauma !
Humans destroying Mankind & Life thereby inching closer to ruin our Planet - Earth is just an act of Insensitivity & Zero Humanity !
My Big Question ?
Is it worthy & prudent to 'Explore Human Life on other Planets thereby destroying an already Awesome Habitable Planet ?
This is precisely the 'Ironical Spectrum' which is only spreading & interlacing too fast & if not paused will create storms of Negative Energy & irreversible Devastation ! The countdown has already begun with Nature retaliating it vigorously in terms of Global warming , Pollution & other Catastrophic reactions.
'Peace & No War 'is the Only slogan Mankind has to preach & perform in future. The Nirvana Of Life is a generous attempt to promote this slogan in letter & spirit & Urge Great Souls to Save Our Planet !
Save Our Planet - One of the most talked Initiative & Slogan by various organisations requires Human Mind Reorientation & Reset with vibrations of Great Empathy & Inclusion towards Mankind !
Either Reset Our Minds or Be Ready to Reset this Planet from a Habitable to Non Habitable one automatically in just a short span of time ! Choice is Ours........
Preaching & Promoting the above Slogan to my mind is a Great Nirvana Milestone yet to be achieved !
The Complex Yet Powerful Human Mind should Create waves Of Affection, Togetherness & One Mission - Preserve & Save Planet Earth / Life ! Nature has given & still giving enough to Mankind till now & it's time for us to give it back to our Planet.
With detailed Exploration studies being conducted by various Space agencies in full throttle aiming to find Just One More Habitable Planet , let's facilitate them by First saving our own & The Only Habitable Mother Earth !
Happy Nirvana & Peace No War !
Dear Blog Viewers - The Objective of this Blog is not to condemn or reprehend any Country or Association however strongly urge for Human Mankind , Growth & Peace !
