How about Playing your Favourite Sport this weekend ? Yes it's time to Play Your Sport which enhances Endurance, Satisfaction & Positive Energy.
Every Sport is magical in true sense as it unites the team together & sharply focus on achieving the Bull's Eye Goal Of Winning...
Praying is also one of the 'Passionate Sport' to my mind as it exuberates positive energy, unites our thoughts together & thereby helps in achieving the ultimate goal of peace & self attainment.
Pls do track your practice sessions while playing this Famous Sport Of Praying ! Frequency doesn't matter as today's Super busy schedules & Lifestyle might not really connect you to your inner soul frequently however a conscious effort at your end can definitely earn you a winning spree !
Pray for the Needy Ones , friends, family & loved ones & Ofcourse for Yourself & that's a Perfect Nirvana Moment !
This Sport is a healing retreat to your Inner Soul & finely binds you with strings of Happiness, Love & Self Realisation..
Keep spreading the Magic Of this Sport & See how the World around you starts changing for Goodness..
This Blog truly admires the Spirit Of Viewers who keep playing this 'Sport Of Praying' at varied frequencies however keep practicing & if possible make this Sport as an integral part of your Beautiful Life Journey !
Happy Nirvana & Praying !
