This Blog is One of the most Powerful writeup as its all about 'Euphoria & Escatacy ' - The Romeo & Juliet Of Life ! Inspired by the Human Journey & Walk of life it's content is absolutely simple yet meaningful & undoubtedly dedicated to my Guru & Life Mentor..
To my Mind , Appreciation is the most beautiful stage of Elation. I am sure you all would second this thought too as any amount of Appreciation takes your mind to a Happy & Blissful Zone & that's Elated Nirvana !
To start with , let's count the number of times we appreciate each other in daily chores of activities both personally & professionally & how many times have we been appreciated by someone. Well one may overscore the other .. It's impact is Two sided & Prolonged. Actually in some ways, it goes well with Newton's Law - For every action there is equal & opposite reaction ! Yes few would have mastered this art perfectly & therefore they are tagged as True leaders & legends in my opinion , however many of us still need to catch up pace & sooner the better.
Simple gesture of appreciating small events at home & workplace especially your family members , friends & colleagues is extremely Enthralling , Heart touching & Motivating ! Imagine appreciating your Kid can make him go places & that's so true. Infact appreciating your House help & coworkers is also important as they also play a significant role in making our Life look fab & Manageable !
Our own Conflicting Dilemma & so called negative connotation - 'Ego' restricts & refrains us to do so more often however I firmly believe that 'Lack of Appreciation results in overall Depreciation of Human Value System & Inclusive Behaviour 'which further mitigates the true emotion & expression the very next time & that's disheartening / despiriting !
The Elation Of Life is an Art , a Daily Regime , an Overwhelming Experience & Concept which one can cherish by focusing on small tiny things. The Big Ones surely deserves a Big Cheers & Pad Too !
Elation is not a victim of Big , Magnanimous & Larger than Life events & success, rather it's a consortium of those tiny moments & gestures which we generally over look in anticipation of the Biggies. The Proof lies in the Pudding & hence flashback of your Magical Childhood Memories can substantiate the Joy of small things & events.
I really don't deny the fact that the so called 'Biggies' will also be part of your awesome Life Journey worth appreciating & celebrating however counting on what you have currently & appreciating people around you can surely set up a multiplier effect to your 'State Of Awe & Elation' !
As I always keep expressing & reiterating the fact that we all know all of this inside out & I truly admit the fact that this Blog & it's Title is no new invention however the accuracy & authenticity lies in execution & that's the Key to Elation & Euphoria which is indeed a True Nirvana Moment...
The Big yet Powerful Mantra - 'Keep Appreciating ' is embedded in my mind by my Mentor - A True Protagonist & Living Legend !
So let's Appreciate Almighty , Healthy Life , Nature, Family , Friends , Colleagues & all the people around us who make some meaningful impact in our lives. Mastering this art is neither very simple nor too complicated however it just requires your honest effort & conviction to do so !
IT'S High time to pass on the same feeling & mesmerizing experience when we get appreciated sometimes to the Universe & trust me you will surely have the supersonic 'Elation Multiplier ' attached to your Life at all times..
Dear Blog Viewers - Keep sharing your comments & valuable feedback. It's matters the most !
Happy Elated Nirvana !

The mantra of "Keep Appreciating" is presented as a key to true nirvana and a fulfilling journey. Overall, it's a heartfelt and inspiring read.
What a topic to choose! Excellent articulation Vikas.
WoW.. what you write man I mean you are at a different level in life already by achieving this momentum success by writing such a brilliant stuff and this one is a master piece .. your emphasis on small little things and happiness quotient things beyond ego .. one smile can bring not just difference to life but life itself is the true essence on appreciation.. keep going this brilliant my dear friend!!