This Blog is inspired by all the 'Motivational Preachers & Gurus' in our Society & truly reflects the Real Game Of Life !
Each one of us in some ways keep listening to many motivational & spiritual quotes , phrases & speeches by impactful leaders however how much is imbibed & executed from their translation is the Reality Check & mirrors the true reflection Of Nirvana..
Even my own tiny efforts through these small transformational blogs are mere efforts only if not translated in real life by my loved readers & myself.
So what one should do or My HomeWork ?
Understand deeply the Four facets of Reality Check !
The Four Pillars Of Reality Check :
1. The Probing Stage - First Question Yourself as to how much of extra walk on the path of Nirvana are you doing to adapt to any change ?
2. The Execution Stage- What's your Stage of Execution - Aligned Execution , Virtual Execution or Impactful Execution !
Well most of us in today's dynamic world are in Virtual Execution mode & next few in Alignment Execution mode & very Few in Impactful Execution.
The IE ( Impactful Execution) set of people are truly & undoubtedly the Nirvana Heros & Great Souls as I always mention !
3. The Realisation Stage - Self Dipsticks & Realisation can be a super way of analysing the quotient of execution..
A small push to start following one or two learnings can take you to a higher altitude of satisfaction & motivation. A Conscious Effort to translate your thoughts to some meaningful action can be amazing to lead a better & charged Life ..
4. Alignment Stage - Just listening to motivational gurus or reading blogs, Instagram & Facebook reels can possibly be the first step however not the final destination. Execution is most powerful than Anticipation !
Which learning is your pick for the day or week can be genuinely transformational to my mind.
Align your mind to Execute with Speed & Attain the Gift Of Nirvana..
Dear Blog Viewer - Do write your Big or Small learning through these simple Nirvana Blogs if any & that is my small success. Your response post reading this blog is my accolade & reward...
Happy Executional Nirvana !